Friday, January 16, 2009

Just Me!

Why am I like this?
God knows, he created me with this bliss
Does guy like me really exist?
Oh no, it’s difficult for people to resist.
My powerful eye of eternity
Oh no, its confused state of integrity
Where am I? What am I doing?
Where am I? What am I doing?


R. Ramesh said... u r back..where am I and what am i doing? The greeks started talking about it thousands of yrs ago, till now no one knows why we r here and what v doing...heheh

humanobserver said...

I am agree with Ramesh.....But I do appreciate your illustration.....

R. Ramesh said...

j, thanks 4 yr valuable comments..

R. Ramesh said...

Hi how u doing? wishes

R. Ramesh said...

yehhhh. i am happy for u..congrats..your exams over now..enjoy...and dont disconnect form the blogging world..becuse there r some good guys/girls too there, despite the despicable ones..again thinking of lincoln quote-for every scoundrel, there is a good guy..what say?

R. Ramesh said...

thanks j, keep up the spirit..cheers

R. Ramesh said...

hey J thanks dear..

work_of_fiction? said...

not sure whether i got the poem right. the guy looks dangerous!